Haley Reese

Do you have a big, beautiful, world-changing vision in your heart?

Do you yearn to make the impact that you know you’re here to make?

Is the traditional, patriarchal hustle & grind approach to work breaking down your body and burning you out?

Do you deeply desire to serve from your overflow instead of your depletion and survival mode?

Are you ready to find your unique way of working in the world, one that supports both your body & your business?

There’s a new way…a better way…


Isn’t it time you fell head-over-heels in love with your life?

SAVOR is my 1:1 private mentorship experience to support high-achieving & purpose-driven women make their big, bold dreams happen while taking exquisite care of themselves, being in pleasure, and savoring every minute of the lives they’re working so hard to create.

It’s for the woman has decided to stop just going through the motions of life.

It’s for the woman who deeply desires to come alive in every area of her life: her work, her relationships, her passions…

It’s for the woman who refuses to die with her greatest dreams still inside of her.

It’s for the woman who wants it ALL.

While enjoying the journey.

It’s for you.

Enjoy an Evening to Savor…

Experience what's possible when we use our relationship with food as a portal to more joy, ease & pleasure in all areas of our life.

Imagine for a moment...a room filled with candlelight, fresh flowers, elegant jazz music, faux fur blankets & pillows, a glass of sparkling champagne or kombucha, fresh berries or chocolate...all for you.

And there's nothing to do and no where to be...but here.

This is the experience that is awaiting you inside an Evening to Savor.

We will gather together in sisterhood to be witnessed, held & celebrated. We will get clear on what you really want your relationship with food to feel like and take the first steps towards embodying it. We will enjoy a blend of pleasure & presence practices designed to fill up your cup. And you will walk away being a little kinder to your body and more in love with your life.

Make it a solo date night, I dare you 💋

Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day.
— Henri J.M. Nouwen