Podcast Interview on The Bitch Fix: RISE Out of Depression Naturally

I am so excited to be sharing with all of you my latest podcast interview with my friend Christine Alvarado MacCarroll the Hormone Queen.


Christine is a fabulous interviewer and this was one of my favorite discussions yet!

We dive deep into my personal story + journey with depression, and I share my personal approach to freeing myself from depression and taking my life back ⚡️ You don't want to miss this one!

Listen on iTunes

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You hold the power to release depression & anxiety, and create deep, lasting JOY.

If I could do it, I know you can too.

You're not alone.

I see you. I understand you. Because I was and am you.

I love you.

And you got this.

>> I'd love to hear what your biggest takeaways,  ah-has, or questions were from this interview, comment below to share!