The Power of Practice

It's never actually about "the thing," it's about the *practice* of "the thing."

You see me always talking about my little daily luxuries

Things like ~

✨ Lighting candles

✨ Sipping cappuccinos

✨ Cuddling with my kittens

✨ Writing in my journal

✨ Reading a good book

And at first these things might seem shallow

But the truth is -

It's not actually about "the thing"

It's about the PRACTICE of the thing

And what that kind of daily devotion will have on you as a whole person.

🕯 See, the lighting the candles is really about taking the time to beautify and bring warmth & coziness to my environment, which nourishes my nervous system. It's also a small, but meaningful way to show myself a little extra love.

☕️ And the sipping cappuccinos is about giving myself so much pleasure from one tiny moment in my day, that I'm reminded of just how much abundance I already have at my finger tips.

🐈 My kitten, coincidentally named "Cappuccino" (in fact this was already her name when we adopted her), will *insist* on cuddles in the middle of the day by climbing into my lap and nudging my hand off of my laptop to pet her instead. I take these moments as an opportunity to press pause, slow down & take some deep breaths. She also simply reminds me wonderful life can be...

✍️ Writing in my journal is a commitment to examining my thoughts & beliefs and reframing the ones that don't serve me so that I can get my (often times asshole) brain on board with everything that's required to go after my dreams & desires.

📖 And reading a good book is the perfect pleasure break to have some screen-free time and fill up my cup in a deeply fulfilling way.


I could go on and on with examples from my own life that look simple or meaningless or indulgent on the surface but are actually the rituals that lead to the big shifts

But like I said, it's not about the thing

It's about the *meaning* we give to the things

And the impact that practicing them again and again has on our lives.

This is exactly what we do together in Savor 🌹

We take the things YOU want or need to do in order to pursue your dreams and desires + and pour your particular version of pleasure all over them so that you actually WANT to do them...

AND feel really good all the while, so that you *keep* wanting to do them.

This is the key to unlocking the life of your dreams AND having it actually *feel* like you always imagined.

If you're enjoying your life or the journey of building your dreams any less than you want to be, I'd love to welcome you into Savor.

✨ What seemingly small or subtle practices do you do in devotion to your desires?

Let me know in the comments below!

RitualHaley ReeseComment